To know this answer we must ask the experts in the subject. There are many Android emulators for PC but in this article we will only speak about BlueStacks since it is the most famous and representative in this world, so here we only focus on this and we answer some important questions below.
Is BlueStaks legal?
BlueStacks is an android emulator for PC and Mac developed by a totally legal company (BlueStacks Inc) and with official web So we are talking about a completely legal software and that offers an open source product that meets a minimum quality. So the answer is yes, it’s legal.
Running Android on Pc is legal?
The BlueStacks working mode allows a machine like a PC to emulate the behavior and execution of a different operating system as it is in this case Android. This is known as a Virtualization process, which is completely legal today, which does not pose any problems.
What is my legal framework?
When we are talking about a virtualization process, we consider that our framework of legality comes within the Android system itself, so we must respect the legality within the operating system in the same way we do from our mobile terminal. This means that all anti-piracy and other rules and laws can be applied in the same way, so you should be wary of this.
Is Bluestacks safe?
The main problem we can have with BlueStacks is there are third party applications and software that may include virus or malware so if we don’t download our apps or games from an official source (Google Play) we risk to installing unconsciously viruses or malware which can change the funcionality of our operating system or browser. So our recommendation is that you always download the apps from Google Play and thus avoid any possible scare.
We are talking about a legal and safe product provided that the recommendations are met. BlueStacks will not be responsible for problems caused by an inadvisable or illegal use by users. Therefore it is also up to you users to make your BlueStacks program work legally and safe.